martes, 3 de diciembre de 2013

Order pizza by phone

-Thank you for calling to “The Pizzeria”. How can I help you?
-I would like to make and order please
-Do you want to hear the special of the day?
-Yes, why not
-If you buy a large, one topping pizza, you get one 2 liter soda free
-If you buy a house salad and a meal, you get a free dessert
-I am ready to take your order
-I want a ham and cheese pizza with extra cheese on it
-What size? Do you want to add an extra topping?
-Large please. No extra toppings
-Is there anything else you want with your order?
-No, that’s all. How much is it?
-It is $24.33 can I have you phone number and you address?
-How long is it going to take?
-About 20 minutes. Thank you for calling “The Pizzeria”

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